COFFEE CYCLE TURNS 5 • September 23-24, 2022
It is true. Coffee Cycle is turning five next month. That seems insane because it simultaneously feels like yesterday and more than a million years ago. From a sketch to being pieces on the floor to being a mostly working cafe on the side of the highway to here in Pacific Beach, we’ve survived.
We’ve survived because of our favorite regulars, our one-time customers, coffee subscribers, our neighbors, and a bunch of incredible employees who’ve put in so much more hard work than can be detailed there. Gratitude and thank you to everyone who touched this business along the way.
To celebrate, we’re going to be releasing two very special coffees on the weekend of the 23rd. Each coffee is from our direct trade partners—meaning we’re buying directly from the farmer who produced the coffee and only available in-store and in limited quantities. VERY LIMITED! 5-Year Celebration Direct Trade Releases:
Honduras Gesha from Juan Urquia Farm
Costa Rica Café Corazón Natural
Ethiopia Testi Sebo: There are only a few pounds left available in-store and online retail. At the roastery it’s been dialing incredibly well, and we’ll be sad to see this one disappear.
It is sad every time a coffee leaves the board, but that also means there is something new on the horizon.
Ethiopia Sookootima Natural - Available at Coffee Cycle September 1st!
Honey-processed Honduras from Juan Urquia - Mid-September
We’re really excited about the direct trade partnership with producer Juan Urquia and can’t wait to share these coffees with you. We’re hard at work dialing in these roasts to make sure you get the best representation of the coffee from this farm.
Join the Maker’s in our shop and new Maker’s from the community at our quarterly Makers events. Artists, authors, soap makers, jewelers, painters, poets, potters, clothiers, and more will be set up in front of Coffee Cycle. Be sure to mark your calendars!
Back to School: Sunday, October 9th - 9:00 AM - 1:00PM
Holiday Market: Sunday, December 11th - 9:00 AM - 1:00PM

Drink good coffee. Good to people. Ride Bikes. Drink good coffee. Did we say that one already? Maybe one more time for good measure. Drink Good Coffee!
Follow @CoffeeCycleRoasting on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
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